Florida Home Builders Political Action Committee
General Election Results
The Florida Legislature 2020 General Election by the numbers:
- 2019-2020 Florida Legislature:
- Florida House: 73 Republicans, 47 Democrats
- Florida Senate: 23 Republicans, 17 Democrats
- 2021-2022 Florida Legislature (Pending Recounts):
- Florida House: 78 Republicans, 42 Democrats
- Florida Senate: 24 Republicans, 16 Democrats
Amendment Two
Requiring 60 percent for adoption to the State’s Constitution, raising Florida’s minimum wage passes with 60.8% of the vote (6.3 million to 4.1 million), becoming the first state in the South to vote “yes” on a $15 minimum wage. Florida’s $8.56-per-hour minimum wage will be raised to $10 per hour effective September 30, 2021. The wage will increase by $1 per year until it reaches $15 per hour in 2026. From that point forward, the wage will be adjusted annually for inflation. FHBA had publicly opposed Amendment Two.
Florida Senate
Last night, 21 Florida Senate races were on the ballot. Of those 21 Senate Races, FHB PAC supported 17 candidates. As of 9:30 a.m. this morning (November 4, 2020), all 17 candidates won their respective races. The Republicans flipped one seat for a new 24-16 Republican Senate Majority in 2021. However, Senate District 37 (Senator Jose Javier Rodriguez-D 48.52% and Ileana Garcia-R 48.53%) was decided by a mere 121 votes (out of 215,411 total votes). This one is not over and is headed for a recount.
Additional key Senate Majority and FHBPAC supported candidates: Former Representative üJason Brodeur (R), Representative üAna Maria Rodriguez, and Former Representative üDanny Burgess all won handily in their respective Senatorial races (Senate Districts 9, 20, and 39). FHBPAC-supported Representative üLoranne Ausley (D) held off Marvin Preston (R) with 53% to replace former Senator Bill Montford (D) in Senate District 3. Detailed election results can be found below.
Florida House
The FHB PAC contributed to 59 contested Florida House races that were decided yesterday evening. That number does not include Representatives Dan Daley (D) HD 97; Tracie Davis (D) HD 13; nor Dianne Hart (D) HD 61 – as those races had already been won heading into the General Election. Note: The FHB PAC also supported newcomer and former Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky (D) in HD 96 – a race that was uncontested in the General Election. A friend of Representative and FHBA Member Dan Daley, Christine will be a great asset to the Florida House.
Overall, the Democrats had a significantly weaker showing than in the 2018 midterms/gubernatorial election. Losing House Districts 69, 72, 84, 103, and 114 to Republicans for a projected new House Republican Majority of 78-42.
Of the 59 contested Florida House races, FHB PAC walked away with 58 of them (98.3%), the sole lose coming from incumbent Jennifer Webb in HD 69. House Majority made it a priority to flip House District 69 after losing the seat following former Representative Kathleen Peters (R) departure from the Legislature in 2018. Linda Chaney (R) defeated Representative Jennifer Webb (D) by nearly five thousand votes.
Detailed results of FHBPAC-supported candidates can be found on the following pages. However, below are a few key bullets/highlights:
- Big gambles pay off for the PAC: FHBPAC-supported üFred Hawkins (R) wins with 83% to Barbara Ann Cady’s (D) 45.66% (a third-party candidate took 7.51% of the vote). Fred beat Barbara by a mere 164 votes.
- FHBPAC-supported üFiona McFarland (R) wins handily in HD 72 (Sarasota) with 54.62%, defeating Drake Buckman (D) and flipping a House seat that was formerly held by Representative Margaret Good (D).
- FHBPAC-supported Representative üChuck Clemons (R) retains HD 21 by more than 2,000 votes.
- FHBPAC-supported Marine üDavid Smith (R) retains HD 28 with 52.05% of the vote.
- Hillsborough County has a victorious night in the Florida House with key victories by FHBPAC-supported Representative üMike Beltran (R) HD 57; Representative üJackie Toledo (R) HD 60, and newcomer üTraci Koster (R). All winning with 54% of the vote.
- FHBPAC-supported Representative üScott Plakon (R) HD 29 wins with 56% of the vote.
- FHBPAC-supported Representatives üElizabeth Fetterhoff (R) HD 26 and üWyman Duggan (R) win big in their respective races, both over 53%.
- FHBPAC-supported Representative üChip LaMarca (R) cruises with 55.26% in HD 93.
- FHBPAC newcomer üDavid Borrero (R) retains HD 105 for the Republicans (following the departure of Ana Maria Rodriguez (R) to the State Senate) with 53.68%.
- FHBPAC-supported incumbents’ üVance Aloupis (R) HD 115; future Speaker üDanny Perez (R) HD 116; and üAnthony Rodriguez (R) HD 118 all win big in Miami-Dade.
- Andrew Learned (D) runs away with a tight race against Michael Owen (R). Winning with 50.69% to Michael’s 49.31%. FHB PAC did not support either candidate, however, Kari’s firm did support ü
- Bruno Portigliatti (R) bested in HD 46 by incumbent Representative Geraldine Thompson (D) by nearly 6,000 votes. FHB PAC did not support either candidate.
A record 11,040,997 Floridians voted in the 2020 General Election.
Click here to see the results for the Florida House and Senate races broken down by district.